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Victim advocacy is a responsibility special to Ms. Grewe’s heart. Unfortunately, there will always be bad actors in this world that abuse adults and/or children. Usually when a victim confides in a family member or friend about the abuse they endure, the confidant advises them to “just leave”.


In most instances it is not that easy. Abusers are usually kind in public, have likable personalities, and access and control over finances and assets. This creates a perfect storm which leads to post separation abuse which can continue for years after the victim escapes. The legal system has many different avenues a victim can use to protect themselves from abuse but sometimes the system is not easily navigated. Ms. Grewe has personal experience of how the legal system can protect clients from further abuse. Often times an abuser will actually use the legal system to continue to abuse the victim through child custody disputes, post-divorce issues, real estate issues, and so on.


Tennessee is one of very few states that has current laws in place to prevent abusive civil litigation. These laws are fairly new and not well known among attorneys, yet Ms. Grewe has successfully used the laws of Tennessee to protect clients that are also victims. If you are a victim of abuse, please have a consultation with Ms. Grewe as soon as possible. If you are in imminent need of protection from harm, please call the authorities as soon as you safely can.

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